UECKESDORF (DE) - 2022-12-19 17:20:42 - Magnitude 0.8
Last update : 2022-12-21 15:13:45 Belgian time

Main parameters

Date and time 2022-12-19 17:20:42 UTC
2022-12-19 18:20:42 Belgian time
Type Earthquake
Magnitude ML 0.8
Epicentral coordinates 50.676° N, 7.071° E Uncertainty ± 2.0 km
Depth of hypocenter 12.8 ± 2.0 km

Data source : ROB (Royal Observatory of Belgium)

Location map

Quake measurements

Measurements by the German seismic network of Bensberg (University of Cologne)
Station Epicentral
distance (km)
P-Wave arrival (hh:mm:ss.ss) S-Wave arrival (hh:mm:ss.ss) Maximal ground
displacement (nm)
Code Place
BA10 KLEIN ALTENDORF 9 17:20:45.06 - -
BGG BURG ELTZ 56 - 17:20:58.36 -

Data policy

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